Saturday, March 28, 2015

The smallest cell turns bad like a small hiccup
It mingles with its neighbour who in turn 
Blends with others, so many others
Deep within
Decaying membranes, cell upon damaged cell
Spreading like a forest fire on a scorching day
No water can stop this flame spreading
It contorts, disfigures, changes 
Cell upon diseased cell, spreading rapidly
Grabbing all in its wake like a slimy flood
Reaching into the depth of my inner being
Bringing me down like an army of well trained soldiers
Spreading out to conquer the whole
Discreetly disguised unseen
Deep within
It rears its ugly face
To the surface
Tests done
Results feared
Too late maybe
The battle begins
Chemical warfare erupts
Destroying the bad and sacrificing some good
Bringing down the tower of destruction
Suffocating disease
Stopping the movement of the marching army
Blasting the misshapen cells
Blasting the normal cells
Weakening the body
Lowering immunity to dangerous levels
Increasing pain beyond human comprehension
Causing a perpetual sickness
Losing hair
No energy
A glimmer of hope..emerges
From deep within
Vomiting passes
Cells - good cells grow and reproduce
Glands destroyed forever
Hope brings hope
Strength returns
Hair grows
Hunger returns,
Weight gained
Body recovers
War is won
The battle is over
Cancer defeated
Thank you Lord Jesus

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